General Information
Register for an account here. Under the ‘Register’ section, enter your email address. Make sure you have checked ‘I’m not a robot,’ then tap/click on the ‘Register’ button.
Check Spam or Junk Folder:
Sometimes, automated emails may be filtered as spam. Check your spam or junk folder in your email inbox to see if the welcome email landed there. Search for email title “Welcome to EPH’s New Website”
Update Email Address:
Double-check that the email address associated with your account is correct. If you made a mistake during registration, update your email address in your account settings.
Contact Support:
If none of the above steps work, reach out to the EPH website’s customer support They should be able to assist you in resolving the issue and ensuring you receive the welcome email.
You will find a QR with an URL ( indicated in the book.
• Scan or type the URL on a web browser.
• Log in with your email address and password. The digital resources will be added to your dashboard/profile. If they are not added, please scan the QR code again after logging in.
•You may click on the title to access the content.
If you do not have an account with the EPH website, you may need to register one in order to access the digital resources. To do so, please refer to this guide (
Please follow the mobile user guide >> Click here